Our facilities have been specifically designed for the appropriate segregation of concurrent manufacturing activities. The flow of materials is designed to prevent mix-ups and avoid contamination.
Handling of the patient starting material is governed by specific processes and procedures with additional considerations for ensuring COC and COI, clinical study-specific labeling, inbound and outbound expiry, and logistics, segregation, and environmental controls.
The patient material is issued a product-specific COI number at the time of scheduling. COC and storage conditions are tracked and maintained throughout.
The patient material is received through an access-controlled location, inspected and released into the facility. Established procedures and electronic systems ensure that COI and COC are maintained at all times.
Upon the initialization of processing, the patient material is transferred from the receiving/inspection location to the incoming Patient Materials Room where it is prepared for cleanroom entry, and the COI is once again verified. The patient material is then transferred to the assigned processing suit.